Southington Calendar House

Southington Calendar House Senior Center.

A community resource for Southington Seniors 55 and over.
388 Pleasant St, Southington, CT 06489. Phone 860-621-3014

In case of INCLEMENT WEATHER, all delays and/or closings will be posted under the name CALENDAR HOUSE on WTIC (1080AM), WFSB Channel 3 and on the website.

Southington Town Seal
Check out 	the Class Photos.

Welcome to Calendar House

Calendar House Layout

Web Page Links

Southington Town Resources.

Ancestry Links

Ping Pong

Pool Players

Computer Learning Center

Computer Class Descriptions

Libre Office Guidance

What Computer should I buy?

Cut the TV cord and start streaming.

Comparison of Top live TV streaming services.


Hours 8:30am to 4:30pm
Phone  860-621-3014

As the Town of Southington’s Senior Center, the Calendar House serves as a multipurpose municipal facility, providing a valuable community resource in facilitating the dissemination of information, offering referrals and providing quality programs and social services in response to the diverse social, physical and intellectual issues confronting older adults.

With an important mission of reinforcing positive attitudes and preserving individual dignity, the Senior Center staff strives to enhance an atmosphere of compassion and concern for town residents age 55 and older by implementing vital and beneficial programs, services and activities.

Committed to maintaining a high standard of service while responding to the challenges, interests and concerns of expanding and changing demographics, the Executive Director, Program Coordinator, Senior Center Secretary, Clerk Typist II, Bus Drivers, volunteers, Membership Association and the Senior Citizen Advisory Board continually work together to explore and develop new and relevant programs.

Our diversity is best reflected in the variety of areas addressed at the center, with expanding computer class and club offerings; extensive social service counseling; art and craft enrichment classes; energetic exercise and informative wellness programs; the town’s only transportation service; and serving as a community emergency refuge site.

Our monthly newsletter, Active Lifestyles, is our primary source of communication. You will enjoy reading our newsletter and the amount of activities, programs, classes and Dial-A-Ride information that is available on a daily basis to Southington residents.

We look forward to meeting you and having you join Calendar House. Please stop in between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, or call us at 860-621-3014.

The Staff of Calendar House


© Southington Calendar House - All Rights reserved