Start by creating a Pedigree Chart.


A Pedigree Chart is where you can list all you know about you, your parents and grandparents.

Download the Pedigree Chart by clicking on the link below. When you have downloaded it you will see a small download icon that looks like a file with a downward pointing arrow at the top right of the downloaded page. Click on the icon and this will give you a 'Save as' table. Then decide where you want to save the document on your computer, and also change the document name to something unique like 'My_Name_Pedigree.pdf' and then click the 'Save' button.

Click HERE to download the Pedigree Chart.

You can open the file that you have created at any time and update it.
Do not forget to save the file after you have made any changes.

You need to obey a few basic rules as you update your chart:-

Do not abbreviate names, dates and places.

Enter a person's full name: Last name in capital letters, first name, middle name.
Example:- SMITH, Peter John

For women, enter the full maiden name, not a married name.

Write dates in this format: Day-Month-Year (e.g., 13 July 1927).

Enter full place names: City, County, State (e.g., Southington, Hartford, Connecticut).

Again - Do not forget to save the file after you have made any changes.
Please print a copy of your chart to bring to the Genealogy class.